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Replica Spitfire Squadrons Made in UK

Velter is fully committed to manufacturing replica spitfire squadrons in the UK. Cutting-edge manufacturing technologies can drastically reduce the cost of production. Made in the UK we will export full squadrons with backup worldwide. Creating new markets in aviation. To boldly go where no person has gone before.


Each plane will be equipped with the very latest XR tech to enjoy. Experience a dog fight while flying with your friends and colleagues. All data will be collated to review flying experiences.  This will be reviewed not just to see if you are an ace, but to help improve your flying skills. Data will be collected from our AI to improve safety and performance.


Each Squadron will have its own Spitty Hanger with the latest carbon net zero techs. The hanger will be fully automated with planes stacked above each other. New robotic systems mean that you can get your phone ready with your new mobile phone app. 


Manufactured in the UK we can build our spitty hangers anywhere in the world. 

Space saving with Carbon Net Zero we will be the leading airport hanger worldwide

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